Monday, November 12, 2007
God's Precious Gifts
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Do You Go to Church?
Now, the question is,
- Are you in church?? -first step, is you have to find a church that preaches out of the Bible.
- Are you faithfully attending? Hint: 2 times a month is not nearly enough!
- Are you there for the right reason?
Update on Fall Festival
- 2 hay rides, (never stopping for the weather) It wasn't a bit spooky, until you went through muddy puddle, thinking, 'maybe it wasn't such a good idea to go hayriding in the rain!';
- a train for the kiddos
- a big 'ol bouncy slide-super slippery, from the rain, and all those youngins' little feet!! Yep, my daughter got about halfway up, informing all, "It's too slippery, I need help" Here I go, pulling off socks and shoes, make it halfway up Mount Everest, oops, I mean the steps. When, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but my little girl already sliding down. She didn't need help, I think it was just a ploy to get me up there!! haha! KIDS!
As if the slide wasn't enough, as soon as I wobbled off of there to get my shoes, I rounded the corner and all I felt was the squish, and the splash of stepping in a mud puddle! ---I may have lost that pair of socks to the garbage can, but I gained a whole lot of fun!
- pit crew challenge-where people could race against the other player using tools to change the tires on the car
- cake walk
- other small carnival games
- hot dog dinner
and finally,
- "trick or treating" going from one Sunday School class to the next, getting candy from decorated rooms lit by orange lights and lamps
It was an absolutely wonderful time!! Remember us, if you're in the Florence area next year!!
Lost in Life
Just so you know,I have a seriously strong conscious and heart, that HAS to believe in the job that I do, and just "know" that I'm in the "right" place. That has been a problem since moving from out of state, a little over a year ago. As, I left a most wonderful position, a 4K preschool teacher at our church. It has been difficult to find "my" spotI had gone down so many different paths, working so hard, trying to get "the" job to pan out. Do you know that I didn't even have to find this job? It found me! Through a grapevine consisting of several people. It worked out way easier than all of the hoops that I had been jumping through just weeks and months before.I have been working with young children for the past several years, because that is just where my heart is, and I am happy to say, that this job opportunity that I have, is right on target. It feels like God's target, and that I am right where I am supposed to be for now. (praising God!)
Friday, October 19, 2007
Aloha Friday!

Monday, October 8, 2007
Fall Festival
Thank you God!
Saturday, October 6, 2007
South Florence High School Homecoming
Friday, September 28, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Girls NIght Out
Friday, September 21, 2007
Children's Church
Monday, September 17, 2007
"You're sponsoring what?! OOH, that's really cool!" That's the response I'm getting from people I'm telling about what's going on at my church, South Florence Baptist. We, as a church have been given the opportunity to be able to sponsor our local high school football team, through Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). There are 60 players, so there are 60 church families participating in this. We are backing and encouraging our "adopted" player this year, as well as our youth minister, Jeffery, going out to have a devotion with the players each week
This past Sunday, was awesome! The players, their families, and the coaches were invited to our church. So many showed up, it was a full house! We (my family) were unable to be in the sanctuary due to keeping children's church, but that's a whole other blessing (post to come soon). All of the prayers that came before this day, truly set the way for the worship that was experienced.
I am SO excited about what is going to come of this!! Stay tuned for updates, but until then, Go Trent! and all of you Bruins!!
(Our youth minister is pictured in the blue shirt in middle~one of the guys!) GO SOUTH FLORENCE!
(High School & Church!!)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Got a Good Deal?
A little about me, I LOVE to get a good deal! I am not really sure where it started, going to the store for my mom, watching Supermarket Sweep so much while I was pregnant (which is by far, one of my fav-O-rite tv game shows!), or just being excited by such great bargains. Anyway, I have to laugh at myself, because I was in the grocery store the other day, getting what was on my list, when I happened upon "a deal"! No, it wasn't on my list, but they were these burritos that were 3/$.99 (TAXCO Brand) I thought, "Hey, why not, that would be quick and easy" There were different flavors, but I got the flavors -Bean & Cheese and -Pizza (I thought, huhm.. like Hot Pockets maybe).
Moment of Truth: This morning my hubby is just wanting something, says, "Hey honey, why not fix us one of those burritos?" Okay, fixed 'em. UGH! The bean & cheese needed serious salsa, and the pizza one, just needed a trash bag!! Some things are just better name brand! Here I come, next shopping trip, Patio and Hot Pockets! (The back of my mind is thinking about Aldi's, they have a brand of burritos that are like $.29, they are GOOD!)
So, do you have any name brand items you swear by, or a deal too good, not to mention?
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Some sense of order
Well, my husband said to me the other day. "Honey, we've lived here for a year now, and some things just don't feel like we live here, yet." He was referring to the fact that there are still some unpacked boxes, and clutter hiding around the house.
So, as part of my DONE! lists, (I have started making these lists on the side of my journal to note the things that I DID accomplish during the day) Over the past couple of days, I have shined my sinks (Thanks to the FLY LADY), organized our living room closet, children's closets, and brought order to all of the unruly sheet sets looming at the top of our hall closet! WHOO HOO!! I'm on my way to living in our home!
What do you have hiding in your closets?!
Update on Rachel S.
Hi everybody! I am posting an update on my cousin, that I wrote about here. The fund raiser that they had was a success, although, there is still much to do. I am excited to report that they raised a little over $14,000.00 with their plate dinner! There are more fund raisers in the works. Their goal is $65,000. I THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS, and am asking that you continue to pray! This family needs our prayers as much as we can give them. Also, if you would like to make a donation, please feel free to check out their website by clicking on this: Thank you.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Hi everybody! When is the last time you stopped to pray for your children? Our preacher was preaching on this subject just last night.
I am SO blessed to have two healthy children. God has given me that. Sure, my Big Boy had some issues at birth, but he overcame them, and you'd never know that there was anything wrong at all. MIRACLE!!
Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the day to day, and just take for granted all that has been given to me. I want to share a prayer request with you all, for a little cousin of mine, Rachel Smith, and her family. Her mom is my age, only a month older, so this hits so close to my heart.
Rachel is an adorable, sweet, and busy two year old. To look at her now, you would not know anything is wrong. Unfortunately that is not the case, there is a battle going on inside of her body that has baffled many doctors over the past two years. There have been numerous tests, that just come back inconclusive, almost too many blood transfusions to count, and several stays in the hospital. They have teamed up with COTA
They are preparing to take a journey, for Rachel to undergo a cord blood transplant. This is a process that will involve over a 6 month isolation, and about two years before they begin to talk about if the transplant was a success. This will be an emotional rollercoaster for all who love Rachel.
I want to tell you a little about her parents. They are such strong Christians, you can tell after only spending a few minutes with them. They have such a strong confidence that can only come from having comfort from God.
A representative from COTA, has been providing information about helping to raise funds for a transplant patient recently. Their first fund raiser will be tomorrow in New Bern, NC where they are selling lunch plates and accepting donations. It has been amazing to see how family, church, and community has started to pull together! Volunteers have already been saying how they feel God's hand all over this event. It is evident in so many things that have happened, strangers showing their kindness.
I am asking that you pass this on to others, and more than anything, please pray for this little girl and her family. The Bible says that where two are gathered in His name, there he will be also. If you would like to follow more of this story please log onto Rachel's COTA website, it will be evolving over the next several months.
Monday, August 20, 2007
School Day #1
Well, today was my Big Boy's first day of school! He was SO excited that he could hardly sleep last night. Do you know that he was up, dressed, and had already made his bed by the time that his alarm clock went off?! I was barely out of my bed! haha! So, I'm reminded of the excitement of a new school year. After school, I asked Big Boy, "Well, how was your first day?" The reply? "Well, I survived my first day of third grade!", it was spoken so triumphantly. As a mom, I was beaming on the inside, he was prepared and ready for whatever this year may bring. (You may remember our Boot Camp from last week.)
That got me to thinking... about the revival at our church featuring the evangelist, Ronnie Owens earlier this year.
Revival made me think of my life. You see, I had always been a "good little girl" growing up, trying to make the right choices, say and do the right things. I grew up in a Christian home, where my mom and dad were saved, taking me to church before I could talk. I had a wonderful foundation for finding Jesus. As a child, I made a commitment not really understanding the depth of believing that Jesus, God's son, died on the cross, to save those who believe, from their sins. I always told myself that if I died I would go to heaven, because I was a good person, I walked down the aisle and talked to the preacher when I was 10, yeah, I sinned, but I asked God to forgive me for those, even though I repeated the same sins over & over again, etc... EXCUSES.
One night during revival, Brother Ronnie was asking, 'If you died tonight, do you KNOW where you are going? That you will go to Heaven? Or will you go to Hell? Are you sure? Do you really KNOW??' There was a sinking feeling deep inside me, like a shade had been removed from a lamp. I didn't really know. And I hated to admit that. Pride is a terrible thing, my pride stood in the way for me to step out, or tell anyone what was going on. You see, I had already lived over 15 years like I was a Christian, I had fooled so many people, I had fooled myself. I was so ashamed, broken, and needed to KNOW Jesus, for real, in my heart, and in my life. I cried all night, reading the Bible, and praying. I even tried to put a front on for my husband, but he saw right through it, asking me what was wrong. I broke down, and told him everything, he prayed with me, and suggested I go and talk to the preacher the next day (as it was so late). So, that is just what I intended to do. I went to the church, preacher wasn't there. I called him at home, he wasn't there either. The youth minister wasn't there either. Can you say the DEVIL?? He did not want me to make contact with any strong Christian!! I was determined to not leave the parking lot, afraid that anything could happen!I called the preacher's wife for his home phone number, got it, and finally reached him, in tears. He came right up to the church, and talked with me. I kept reading over and over in 1 John 2:3-6, that we can KNOW that we are saved. I just had to know! Jeffery got up to the church, and we talked, I told him everything, I didn't care about my foolish pride anymore, all that mattered was Jesus and me! That morning, I prayed that Jesus would take my sins away, that He would come into my life, and help me to live for HIM! And do you know what?? Immediately a peace came over me, like God just wrapped his arms around me, I felt like a heavy weight was lifted from me, all my baggage had disappeared, and I KNEW that if and when I die, I WILL go to HEAVEN!!! I have to tell you, that heavy weight, the extra baggage, it didn't really disappear, I remember all those things I did, but the big news is, it was forgiven. When I mess up, and sin now, I get a heavy heart, I have to pray to God right there, and ask for forgiveness.
Becoming a Christian is not the beginning of living a perfect life, it is a day to day choice for choosing to live for Jesus Christ my Lord, and He helps me. At the end of my day, I can triumphantly say, "I survived this day!" Do you think our heavenly father is looking down, beaming? I do!
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Ring a Ding Ding....
Did you hear that?? That's right, it's that time of year again, the school bell is starting to ring. This morning, I started our boot camp, to get ready for Monday when the first day of school really is! Oh yeah, hooked back up the alarm clock in my son's room, pulled out the sets of clothes for both of my kids, and had a PLAN! Ugh, that alarm clock went off at 7:15, I DID NOT WANT TO GET UP! But, after I got started with the kids, I had to admit, it was pretty fun! heheh! I walked into my son's room, and he was just about to turn on his video game, oh, no, Big Boy!! Time to get dressed! You should have seen how quickly that bright-eyed bushy tailed face went to utter exhaustion! Oh Mom, why do we have to get ready so early?? Are we going somewhere? Where are we going? I'm too tired to get dressed this early! Do you know how much that made my eyes shine?!! (Yes, I know, that's kinda bad, but honest!) What? you may be asking? You know those times your kids out there, got you up before dawn, wondering if it was time to wake up yet!! For once the tables were turned, and I kind of enjoyed it! haha! My Little Girl handled the first day of boot camp quite wonderfully on the other hand! She is 4 and starting the Pre-K class at Big Boy's school, and is totally beside herself, so she can't be any happier! She quickly hopped into her clothes, got her hair fixed, ate breakfast, brushed teeth, and totally got ready for her day. Big Boy came around, when during breakfast, he learned that we were going to be making those little Perler Bead critter-thingies.
All in all, day one-a success!
Next assignment: day two, try to
Friday, August 10, 2007
Cookin4God's mini-series
Are you ready for Cookin4God's mini series?? I was reading in my Bible the other day, and happened upon a story that is not too much unlike what you would watch on tv. Picture this: there I was, having me a nice little quiet time with God, looked to the left from where I was reading, and found Judges 14!
Now, so many people have probably heard the story of Samson, and his flowing hair that gave him his God given strength. This, wasn't that story!! This is about how Samson met his bride to be! Can you say, "family feud"?? That's what this sounded like to me!
Okay, here's the down low....Samson went to a place called Timnah, saw a pretty lady, then went and told his parents, Get her for my wife! They were upset because he didn't want to marry someone they knew, that was from "their" people. Samson and his parents went to Timnah together. Next came the action part of the movie, a young lion comes out, Samson killed him with his bare hands! But does he tell his parents? NO, he goes on about his business of getting his wife. Later, throw a little Fear Factor in there, he's going along traveling to marry the woman, he sees bees and honey in that same lion's carcass, scoops some out, and eats it. Not only does he eat it, he shares it with his parents! Now you wonder if he told them about the lion? NO! Next came the bridegroom's customary feast that was shared with 30 companions. Here comes the mystery: He gives them a riddle and bargains with them if they can solve it or not, by the end of the feast.
12 "Let me tell you a riddle," Samson said to them. "If you can give me the answer within the seven days of the feast, I will give you thirty linen garments and thirty sets of clothes. 13 If you can't tell me the answer, you must give me thirty linen garments and thirty sets of clothes."
"Tell us your riddle," they said. "Let's hear it."14 He replied,
"Out of the eater, something to eat;
out of the strong, something sweet."
For three days they could not give the answer.
Next came betrayal, the companions cornered the wife to be, threatened her and her father's household, telling her she'd better find out the answer to Samson's riddle. Sure enough, she melted like putty in their hands, and went to Samson, finding out the answer, only to share it with the companions. You guessed it,
18 Before sunset on the seventh day the men of the town said to him,
"What is sweeter than honey?
What is stronger than a lion?"
Samson said to them,
"If you had not plowed with my heifer,
you would not have solved my riddle."
And just like today, you are only as good as your word, God gave him the strength to carry out the remainder of the bargain, staying true to his word. He gave the men the 30 clothes.
This sounded so much like a drama from tv, that I had to tell my friends about it. Then, I thought, HELLO! What a great blog entry!! So, I'm sharing this with you!! How awesome is it, that God always has something MORE for us? All we have to do is hold out our hand, and receive it! I wasn't planning on being intrigued by that chapter in Judges, it just happened. This is what I love, I LOVE to see God's hand in my little life!! Thank you God for being real to me.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Sunday Preaching
One time I heard that BIBLE stood for Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. Sure that is something that someone came up with, but it caught my attention, and I've always remembered it! Until next time, love others!
Friday, August 3, 2007
Welcome to my little corner of the blog-o-sphere!! I'm finally online! We have been so busy, and I've been anxious to get home and set this blog up!
I am taking a class at my church, the BEST church I have EVER been to...South Florence Baptist Church!! What kind of class you may ask? Blogging for Jesus-Blogging with a Higher Purpose! Let me just say, LOVE IT! Who on the Earth would teach such an awesome class? Check out his blog at We are learning so much from him! I am excited to see what we're going to do for God's glory! After all, that's what I'm here for, to cook for God!