My question this week is:
What is a favorite Halloween/Fall Festival memory that you have from your childhood(or present day, whatever)?!
Mine is, as a kid, my family always took me to our church, where they had the Fall Festival, costume contest, "fishing" for candy, bobbing for apples, needle in a haystack. ALL kinds of fun stuff! I think I was Mary every year! haha! My favorite, I think was the hay hunt, just something of seeing all that hay inside the church, I guess! Alright, what's your favorite?!
Living in Hawaii, there's really no typical Fall season. However, I am looking for the weather to get below the 80s. Those are always something to look forward to!
Thanks for playing along!
My family did the same stuff, but I didn't like it. I wanted to celebrate Halloween like all my friends. Instead I was Martha, my sister was Mary, my brother was Lazarus, and all we got was a popcorn ball each.
Every year our church plays host to a "Trunk and Treat". Everyone decorates their vehicles and passes out candy or other treats. The wonderful thing is the treats can be delicious popcorn balls or other homemade goodies because everyone knows each other! Sometimes there's a carnival put on by the teenage youth and others times a potluck dinner or hotdogs. We've always enjoyed participating in one role or another. Now that the children are grown we're enjoying it all over again with the grand babies.
We don't have Fall here but I like celebrating Halloween because of my son. I never experienced Trick or Treating as a child but my son enjoys the yearly Trick or Treat. Last year he was a blue Power Ranger. This year, we're not sure yet but it's very exciting.
Last year has to be the most memoriable. I made a complete fool of my self. Aden was only a few monthes old at the time and I still was a stay at home mom. So I thought it would be fun to dress up like a desperate house wife, but I was not as pretty as those on TV. I got one of my mom's old house coats, put curlers in my hair, and strapped pillows around my waist. I got so many comments from different people that night. I think they felt sorry for me.
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