Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Some sense of order

   Well, my husband said to me the other day. "Honey, we've lived here for a year now, and some things just don't feel like we live here, yet." He was referring to the fact that there are still some unpacked boxes, and clutter hiding around the house.

   So, as part of my DONE! lists, (I have started making these lists on the side of my journal to note the things that I DID accomplish during the day) Over the past couple of days, I have shined my sinks (Thanks to the FLY LADY), organized our living room closet, children's closets, and brought order to all of the unruly sheet sets looming at the top of our hall closet! WHOO HOO!! I'm on my way to living in our home!

   What do you have hiding in your closets?!


toolmaster for God said...

you are the greatest wife ever i love you so much. You go out of your way to make me and the kids the happiest ever. When i said it does not feel like we live here yet i was not saying for you to go on a cleaning rage (DONT GET ME WRONG IT LOOKS GREAT)i was just saying it is about time we unpack some more of the boxes we have "together"...I LOVE YOU

Bananas said...

ooh Flylady. I tried her program and am ashamed to say I FLUNKED. But I totaly admire people who can pull it off. I'll bet your house is cleaner than mine!!

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