Friday, September 28, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Girls NIght Out
Friday, September 21, 2007
Children's Church
Monday, September 17, 2007
"You're sponsoring what?! OOH, that's really cool!" That's the response I'm getting from people I'm telling about what's going on at my church, South Florence Baptist. We, as a church have been given the opportunity to be able to sponsor our local high school football team, through Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA). There are 60 players, so there are 60 church families participating in this. We are backing and encouraging our "adopted" player this year, as well as our youth minister, Jeffery, going out to have a devotion with the players each week
This past Sunday, was awesome! The players, their families, and the coaches were invited to our church. So many showed up, it was a full house! We (my family) were unable to be in the sanctuary due to keeping children's church, but that's a whole other blessing (post to come soon). All of the prayers that came before this day, truly set the way for the worship that was experienced.
I am SO excited about what is going to come of this!! Stay tuned for updates, but until then, Go Trent! and all of you Bruins!!
(Our youth minister is pictured in the blue shirt in middle~one of the guys!) GO SOUTH FLORENCE!
(High School & Church!!)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Got a Good Deal?
A little about me, I LOVE to get a good deal! I am not really sure where it started, going to the store for my mom, watching Supermarket Sweep so much while I was pregnant (which is by far, one of my fav-O-rite tv game shows!), or just being excited by such great bargains. Anyway, I have to laugh at myself, because I was in the grocery store the other day, getting what was on my list, when I happened upon "a deal"! No, it wasn't on my list, but they were these burritos that were 3/$.99 (TAXCO Brand) I thought, "Hey, why not, that would be quick and easy" There were different flavors, but I got the flavors -Bean & Cheese and -Pizza (I thought, huhm.. like Hot Pockets maybe).
Moment of Truth: This morning my hubby is just wanting something, says, "Hey honey, why not fix us one of those burritos?" Okay, fixed 'em. UGH! The bean & cheese needed serious salsa, and the pizza one, just needed a trash bag!! Some things are just better name brand! Here I come, next shopping trip, Patio and Hot Pockets! (The back of my mind is thinking about Aldi's, they have a brand of burritos that are like $.29, they are GOOD!)
So, do you have any name brand items you swear by, or a deal too good, not to mention?
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Some sense of order
Well, my husband said to me the other day. "Honey, we've lived here for a year now, and some things just don't feel like we live here, yet." He was referring to the fact that there are still some unpacked boxes, and clutter hiding around the house.
So, as part of my DONE! lists, (I have started making these lists on the side of my journal to note the things that I DID accomplish during the day) Over the past couple of days, I have shined my sinks (Thanks to the FLY LADY), organized our living room closet, children's closets, and brought order to all of the unruly sheet sets looming at the top of our hall closet! WHOO HOO!! I'm on my way to living in our home!
What do you have hiding in your closets?!
Update on Rachel S.
Hi everybody! I am posting an update on my cousin, that I wrote about here. The fund raiser that they had was a success, although, there is still much to do. I am excited to report that they raised a little over $14,000.00 with their plate dinner! There are more fund raisers in the works. Their goal is $65,000. I THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS, and am asking that you continue to pray! This family needs our prayers as much as we can give them. Also, if you would like to make a donation, please feel free to check out their website by clicking on this: http://www.cotaforrachels.com/ Thank you.