Monday, October 8, 2007

Thank you God!

I HAD to post another update on my cousin, Rachel! I also wrote about her here and here. She is an amazing little girl, who is beginning a long journey that will take her on a stem cell transplant at Duke Hospital. She went in and was registered today, to start a blood transfusion and a variety of tests and procedures. She had a virus this past week or so, and that made some of the tests have to be rescheduled for a little later. My mother went and visited with her yesterday, and was just blessed by the sweet soul that she is, and her precious family. Okay, now with the update! Rachel's family, church, and friends had a yard sale this past Saturday, and raised $5,502.00!!! The grand total hasn't been calculated yet, as they still have a jug of change to take to the bank and deposit. Do you want to hear the kicker?! The newspaper ad advertising the yard sale, didn't get printed. All of the yard sale traffic was given and brought by God! How AWESOME is that?!! The money that it is going to cost for Rachel's transplant, and her family's expenses during this time, is quite large and daunting. Through God's faithfulness and the generousity of so many people, the fund raising effort is a miracle. There are more fundraisers planned, and I just know that God is overseeing all of this, I can hardly wait to see the outcomes. Please continue your prayers, as this is SO important! Also, if you have not been to her website, please visit it by clicking here. There are pictures, more information, and even a place where people can make donations if they'd like to. If you have any words of encouragement to offer to them, please sign their guestbook. I just know that they would appreciate it.

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