How AWESOME it was to be at church Wednesday night!!! It is always great to go to church and hear the Bible being preached exactly as it's written. Wednesday's service was no less than the best. The Bible reference was out of
Proverbs chapter 22:6, Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Preacher Howard Allen was preaching about why young people (ages 18-30, generally speaking) drop out of church. I was taken aback, at how factual and down to earth the results of this survey were. I am in that age bracket, and could totally identify with everything he was saying. Then, he told us some reasons why young adults stay in church, and finally reasons why those that leave, come back to church. It was all plain as day, and touched my heart. I am in the place in my life that I can't seem to get enough of church, can't wait until I can go back to hear God's word, and worship with other Christians! I give ALL of the thanks to God, for saving my soul, and holding me close!! This sermon also pointed out to me, some things that I need to be doing or not doing.
Now, the question is,
- Are you in church?? -first step, is you have to find a church that preaches out of the Bible.
- Are you faithfully attending? Hint: 2 times a month is not nearly enough!
- Are you there for the right reason?
no better place to be. we are blessed to have such an amazing church.
You really made me think about our habits these past couple of months. We've been going late and missing preaching and just going to Sunday School because "if we come early Sean will miss his nap and be cranky the rest of the day." Well, maybe missing his morning nap once a week won't hurt him as bad as setting the precedent of missing the most important part of the day. We love our SS class, but it can't replace the message of the pastor!
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